Wiki & Knowledge Base

Welcome to the Let's Fix the Tax Treaty! Wiki. Here you'll find information pertaining to the US practice of citizenship-based taxation on Australian residents and citizens, as well as the effects of both FATCA and the Australia/US Tax Treaty on both US citizens residing in Australia and Australian citizens residing in the US.

Context & Purpose

The purpose of this Wiki is to gather and maintain a common information source pertaining to our cause. The purpose of the Let's Fix the Tax Treaty! group is to influence the Australian Government to resist unfair and unjust US extra-territorial taxation. Let’s Fix the Tax Treaty! advocates for the Australian Government to renegotiate the under-pinning legacy tax treaties and intergovernmental agreements to provide a fair go for all Australians.

Presently, there is little awareness by government, policy makers or the general public of the issues caused to Australians through the US practices of Citizenship-based taxation. Consequently, to affect change, we first need to educate Policy Makers and influencers such as the Media. To do this, it will be important to create a defensible evidence base in support of our position.

There are many advantages of having a well-considered evidence base, including:

  • Readily available, documented and clear factual support for our cause
  • Common knowledge source
  • Clear (single / common) messages rather than risk of confusing mixed facts and figures
  • Foundations for development of Media and Policy Maker engagement kits
  • Member education and assistance

This evidence base will be maintained within this Wiki and will take a number of forms including 1) Online educational source (Main Wiki pages) with hyperlinked references, 2) White Papers – well thought-out and researched position papers on specific elements of the issue, 3) List of Resources (internal & external) and 4) Glossary / List of Acronyms.

Becoming a Wiki Editor

This Wiki is intended to be a volunteer created resource. Anyone can request to become an editor and create relevant content, subject to the rules and controls described below.

Who we are

This wiki has been developed to complement our website: Let's Fix the Australia/US Tax Treaty. For more about our group, please see the About page on our website or join our Facebook group.

start.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/01 08:47 by carl
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