General Media Articles

The purpose of this page is to collect links to media articles and other sources that can be shared on Twitter and Facebook to help convince others that FATCA and CBT should be eliminated. When entering a link, please provide a short sentence describing the content (dates are helpful).

Articles specific to Australia can be found here.


Reciprocity and Responses from other Governments

Tax Haven USA

FATCA Repeal

Citizenship Taxation (CBT)

Justification for CBT

Double Taxation


Compliance Issues

  • How FATCA and FBAR made American taxes FUBAR (Crunch) - Accounting magazine article highlighting the extreme costs and complexity of compliance for Americans living overseas, due to FATCA, FBAR, and citizenship-based taxation. Dated 7 December 2015


Tax Reform

wiki/contents/resources/general_media.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/29 10:46 by karen
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